Let's get to know each other

Since making the decision to pivot my career into Frontend Web Development over three years ago, I've had the opportunity to work on some really exciting, challenging and creative projects.

I'm driven by my love for problem solving, learning new technologies and I enjoy tackling new challenges head on.

My Skills

Languages & Frameworks

  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • Liquid
  • Bootstrap

CMS & E-commerce

  • Shopify
  • HubSpot
  • WordPress

Dev Tools

  • Version Control/ Git
  • Responsive design
  • Chrome DevTools


  • UX/ UI
  • Figma
  • Adobe PhotoShop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Balsamiq

My recent work

Showcasing the professional work I'm most proud of. Inluding landing page creation, product template development and more.

Learning Projects

Projects developed during my Diploma in Full Stack Software Development at the Code Institute. These projects range from static to fullstack websites.

The Leafy Bean

Irish Gold Distillers


Interested in working together?

I'd love to discuss how I can help you achieve your website goals. Let's chat.