Coordinates Product Template


Luxury Jewellery



Date Completed:

May 2023


To facilitate the business goal of expanding its custom solid gold jewellery offering by developing a new product template to allow users to input DMS coordinates.


I worked closely with both the UX team and a senior developer, fostering a collaborative environment. Together, we embarked on mapping out the user journey, ensuring a seamless and intuitive experience.

I led the development of the new product template, which involved turning UX designs into code and creating a complex JavaScript input form which required a multitude of feedback responses, such as real-time validation.

Technologies Used

HTML, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript, SCSS, Google Geocoding API, Shopify, Liquid, Git

Challenges & Outcome

The main challenge encountered throughout this project was the pressing time constraints. With tight deadlines, it became crucial to prioritise efforts on developing an MVP to meet the immediate needs of the company.

The decision was made to progress with a manual imput form for the first iteration which showcased the essential features. This laid a solid foundation for future iterations planned to include the Google Geocoding API.
